jess blumberg's Baltimore Orioles Extended Profile
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Who am I?
Hey, my name is Jess Blumberg and I have been going to Orioles games since I was little girl. I am currently the associate editor of Baltimore magazine, but I really wanted an extra place to discuss my favorite team. I love talking stats (even though it can be tragic), but also think the team's morale, strategy and history are fascinating. Go O's!
all-time favorite player: Eddie Murray
current favorite player: Brian Roberts
best moment: Watching Cal Ripken Jr. break the consecutive game streak live
worst moment: Jeffrey Maier
favorite live game: this one
other favorite teams: Baltimore Ravens, Terps basketball and football, Washington Capitals, Hopkins lax
State / Region
art, baltimore, baltimore orioles, baltimore ravens, bars, baseball, blogging, brian roberts, cal ripken, camden yards, eddie murray, editing, friends, journalism, magazines, maryland, memorial stadium, museums, music, nick markakis, sports, writing